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What is Hypochlorous Acid..?

Hypochlorous Acid (HOCl) exists in your body. It’s created by white blood cells as the body’s natural self-defence system against highly microbicidal, active against bacteria, viruses, and fungi to Log 6 – 99.9999% affective, the highest possible levels of efficacy.
HOCl attacks invading pathogens, breaking down their cell walls before destroying unhealthy invaders. The antimicrobial acid is lethally effective in carrying out its protective mission.
Chemists long ago cracked the code to make HOCl by using electrolysis to break down a simple saltwater solution. More recently, manufacturing advancements allowed HOCl to be made in larger quantities with far longer shelf life, depending on the effectiveness of the electrolysis machinery. Some HOCl generators produce top-quality HOCl however, many do not.
Most disinfectants kill by penetrating the cell wall and killing the RNA or DNA, but this can take 1, 5 or 10 minutes or longer. As hypochlorous acid has high oxidation values it oxidises cell walls very quickly, penetrating the cell and killing them within seconds.
As the process works on a molecular level this means that microorganisms are unable to build up resistance, something which can occur with chemical disinfectants. Although the speed of kill is proven to take seconds, it also has a residual effect and keeps on working if left on surfaces.

Why is Hypochlorous Acid better than other disinfectants...?

Hypochlorous Acid (HOCl) is created by electrolysing water and salt creating two byproducts; Anolyte,
a very powerful disinfectant, and Catholyte, a Sodium Hydroxide cleaning and degreasing agent,
which minimal disinfection properties. For totally effective Infection Control users must deploy both.
The Anolyte which is without doubt the World’s most effective and safest biocide, and either the
Catholyte, or another cleaning product. This two-product combination is rarely mentioned by
Hypochlorous Acid suppliers.

There are two types of Naturama offered by our company.
Naturama H-500 is our Anolyte. A high potency 500 parts per million pure Hypochlorous Acid
manufactured using one of the most advanced electrolysis generators in Europe, with exceptional
potency and long-term storage stability. For Infection Control teams favouring a pure HOCl our Naturama
is the ideal option, as 500ppm HOCl is generally accepted as the most effective and safest biocide.

Our scientists and chemists have created a unique combination of Hydrolyte 500ppm high-potency HOCl with a complexed mineral-based and entirely safe ‘detergent’ that has remarkable surface soiling release capabilities, blended 50:50 with our HOCl. That one-shot product is our Naturama Biocide, the only combined broad-spectrum biocide/cleaner on the market today.
By adopting our Naturama Biocide sanitising is faster, more cost-effective, and easier to achieve total disinfection than any two-product process.
Hypochlorous Acid stability is highly dependent on the design and science behind how it is ElectroChemically Generated as some machines are very poor quality therefore their HOCl is unstable. Our generators create totally stable HOCl using world-class technology systems.
It is essential users research HOCL stability and longevity as some products may only last 6 months in unopened bottles but when used, shelf-life falls to 30 days when opened. Just imagine the nightmare logistics in a busy hospital or food factory with staff trying to determine which container is expired, near expired or OK..? The risks that an expired container remains in-use well after its expiry date means that Infection Control and sanitation could be serious compromised.

Adopting Naturama Biocide eliminates that risk.

There are two types of Naturama offered by our company. Naturama H-500 is a high potency 500 parts per million pure Hypochlorous Acid manufactured using one of the most advanced electrolysis generators in Europe with exceptional potency and long-term storage stability. For Infection Control teams favouring a pure HOCl our H-500 is the ideal option, as HOCl is generally accepted as one of the best available biocides possible, however pure-HOCl has no cleaning and release properties, therefore pure HOCl users must adopt a separate cleaning product.
Electrolysis releases two types of HOCl, the disinfectant output is Hydrolyte HOCl with zero cleaning properties, only Catholyte is the degreasing and cleaning output therefore users must adopt both HOCL Hydrolyte and Catholyte products to achieve high levels of Infection Control or use a separate cleaner alongside a Hydrolyte HOCL disinfectant.
Our scientists and chemists have created a unique combination of Hydrolyte 500ppm high-potency HOCl with a complexed mineral-based detergent that has remarkable surface soiling release capabilities and totally stable with ourHOCl. That is our Naturama Biocide, the only combined biocide/cleaner on the market today.
Naturama Biocide is a 50:50 blend of 500ppm Hypochlorous Acid (HOCl) and our unique mineral-based detergent which lifts and separates surface soiling to then enabled the super-powerful HOCl to sanitise the entire area. Please see explanation below
There are very few cleaner and disinfectant combined products on the global market.
Effective Infection Control requires initial application of a suitable cleaning agent to lift and release soiling to then apply a suitable biocide or disinfectant to neutralise.
Wiping off a disinfectant ‘cleaned’ surface collects both treated and untreated material to then re-infect and cross contaminate as that cloth is loaded with germs and other hazards.

NHS Innovation Accelerator

NHS England with the AHSN Network in 2015 set up the NHS Innovation Accelerator (NIA) programme to support exceptional individuals to scale promising innovations across England’s NHS for greater patient and staff benefit.
The NHS Innovation Accelerator is an NHS England Accelerated Access Collaborative (AAC) initiative delivered in partnership with England’s 15 Academic Health Science Networks (AHSNs), hosted at UCL Partners.
Naturama-Biocide was assessed and listed in January 2023 with a re-review June 2023.Please use Contact Us to obtain a copy of the Naturama Innovation report.